The 2024 Minnesota legislative session wrapped up last week, ending a legislative session marked by unique challenges, a reluctance for additional spending and the complexities of a bonding year.

Stretching the Grocery Budget: 20+ Years of Fare For All
At The Food Group, we value community engagement and ongoing dialogue to shape our programming. Recently, we wanted to refresh, and so we asked our Fare For All customers: How did you find us? What do you like about the program? Which sale locations do you frequent most?

Working Together Toward Change
Our annual Impact Report serves as an important organizational touchstone – a reflection on a year of community engagement and advancing food equity and justice. It tells a summarized story of where we were, what we did, and what we learned. And it charts the course for where we aim to go in realizing our vision that everyone should have access to the food they need.

The Food Group and Hunger Solutions Minnesota Join Forces
The Food Group will be joining forces with Hunger Solutions Minnesota officially starting in March 2024.
CES Food Shelf Levels Up Home Delivery
This collaboration resulted in two game-changers: a lift gate on their delivery van and rolling carts with shelves incorporated into their delivery process.